Armenia, Yerevan
19 / 01 / 2023

Artists are unique in the way they see the world. Not everyone finds the same passion and inspiration that it takes to draw in everything around them and portray it with their own vision. That is what AKNEYE provides creators with.
We’ve opened up this opportunity for artists as a way to create a strong community in which we can all share our vast imagination. Our AKN sculptures provide a thematic, fun experience for artists to decorate them with their style, their thoughts – anything they feel that best expresses their brand and name. It is a blank canvas to be used to convey their message.
Every piece is a carefully sculpted, hand crafted piece made of wood, or sometimes polyester, and it is prepared to be a blank slate. All eyes have a tale to be told, and we give artists the chance to open these eyes and bring their stories to life.
As it stands, we have several different artists that have created their own decorated eye sculptures, and brands that have collaborated with us to represent themselves through their unique designs as well. We have many creators that want to bring forward their ideas and have their creation be a part of our massive collection and we’re continuing to extend that chance to everyone.
There will be artists joining us from different cultures and backgrounds. We want people from all over the world to bring their stories and experiences and bring their artistic touch to our project. Each artist participating in this gets one eye to work on and, once it is finished, it will be showcased in our gallery and listed on our website.
The possibilities for collaborating with AKNEYE are endless. Every eye is ready for a daring, adventurous artist to turn it into yet another beautiful masterpiece.