Paris, France
02 / 02 / 2024

On February 2-4, a beautiful event dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of artist and sculptor Yervand Kochar was held at the Alek Manukyan Armenian Cultural Center in Paris. It was jointly sponsored by the AKNEYE brand and was supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the French Republic and AGBU France.
The exhibition titled "Magical Intersections of the Kochar Line" was full of unique combinations of lines and planes. Graphic works by the maestro of the Parisian period were presented, made with free, smooth, continuous hand movements, without a preliminary sketch, using the pressing technique.
Yervand Kochar's exceptional perceptions have also found their expression through phygital art. Art enthusiasts had the opportunity to see through a projection AKNEYE's alternative approach to recreating the famous piece "The Woman and the Rooster", which is believed to be the author's self-portrait.
Throughout the evening, visitors got acquainted with the innovative solutions of the brand, enjoyed the manifestations of the boundless imagination of Yervand Kochar and discovered the exclusivity of the master anew thanks to the works created using the latest technologies.